
Work Shops

Work shops or group sessions are tailored to the group need in a generic manner. Therefore a Little insight will be required before hand of each individual. Most popular are abundance type group hypnotherapy sessions, also incorporating some neuro linguistic programming to the subliminal and subconscious mind. Others are removing blockages, concentration, life development and growth tied into the agricultural cycle and tuning in a long these lines.

Reiki I, II, III atunements are available separately. Reiki I atunement can also be done along side the hypnotherapy on a group basis to instigate further healing and opening the mind. Reiki atunements create and focus on natural energy which can be measured, using ghost tracking equipment which measures natural energy. Some individuals have already a high indicator here others can be instilled with it via an atunement. The energy is formed into areas of physical, emotional and spiritual healing which can then be sent to others on the Reiki II atunement when the symbols are given. Reiki I is for self healing alone.

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